Canine N-terminal Pro-brain Natriuretic Peptide Quantitative Kit (Fluorescent Immunochromatography Assay of Rare Earth Nanocrystals) (cNT-proBNP)

[Lebitso la Sehlahiswa]

Lebitso: Canine NT-proBNP teko ea mohato o le mong


[Litlhaloso tsa Sephutheloana]

10 liteko / lebokose

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


Morero oa ho Fumana

Canine N-terminal B-mofuta oa boko ba natriuretic peptide precursor e patoa ke lisele tsa myocardial ka har'a canine ventricle, 'me e ka sebelisoa e le pontšo ea ho lemoha ho hloleha ha pelo ho tšoanang.Khatello ea cNT-proBNP maling e amana le ho teba ha lefu lena.Ka hona, NT-proBNP ha e khone ho lekola feela ho teba ha ho hloleha ha pelo ho matla le ho sa foleng, empa hape e sebetsa e le sesupo sa ho fola ha eona.


Molao-motheo oa ho Khetholla

Sehlahisoa sena se sebelisa fluorescence immunochromatography ho lemoha litaba tsa cNT-proBNP ho serum/plasma ka bongata.Molao-motheo oa motheo: Ho na le mela ea T le C holim'a lera la faeba la nitric acid ka ho latellana, 'me mohala oa T o koahetsoe ka antibody a e hlokomelang cNT-proBNP ka ho khetheha.Motsoako oa pad o fafatsoa ka fluorescent e 'ngoe ea nanomaterial e ngotsoeng antibody b e ka khethollang cNT-proBNP ka ho hlaka.Ka mohlala, cNT-proBNP e qala ka ho kopana le nanomaterial e ngotsoeng antibody b ho etsa ntho e rarahaneng, ebe ho ea holimo chromatography, e rarahaneng e kopana le T-line antibody A ho etsa sebopeho sa sandwich.Ha the
Khatello ea mabone a khanya, nanomaterial e hlahisa matšoao a fluorescence.Matla a lets'oao a amana hantle le bongata ba cNT-proBNP sampole.

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